Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Look At Me! I Participated in Democracy!

The line was out the door and the rains were coming down - two odd sights for complacent San Diego. The novelty of jumping puddles and toting an umbrella was commented on by more than one wet voter standing outside the Bethany Lutheran Church. Truth be known, I would have rather voted in somebody's garage or a coffee shop, which is where many voters in California spend election day. Zip codes are zip codes, however, and districts are districts, and the church worked out fine (although many high-maintenance voters audibly complained about the poor lighting). I cast my ballot, received a little "I Voted" sticker, and was told by a fresh-faced young poll worker that the Starbucks down the street was giving out free java to those of us bearing the proof-of-voting stamp. I skipped the Starbucks, and hurried home through the welcome rains of November.

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