Change is good, you know. And over the past several months, I've spent more and more time on what was originally meant to stand in as a side-project to this blog, with the result being that the cerebral decantation action is now very much over on tumblr and not here on blogger at all.
Partly this is due to the speed and ease of tumblr, where I've found editing and uploading to be a far easier task, and also due to my own obvious falling away from penning longer essays and turning towards dense shorter pieces and utilizing quotes and links for non-cultural criticism. I have every reason to suspect this switch in tactics has much to do with the fact that in a few weeks our son will turn one year old. In a way, I'm amazed that I've managed to actually increase my writing output since his birth and since I took over the reins as his full-time caregiver, but I also recognize that this came at a price. Word counts fell, even if quality rose.
So with this in mind, I've taken the step of switching the titles of the blog and tumblr sites, to better reflect the fact that, if anything, it's the blog that has become the side-project or maybe even the afterthought. With less time to do anything, much less crank out essays, I have no regrets accepting the fact that I no longer wish to spend excess time pondering the often depressing and nearly always infuriating realm of cultural/political emerging stories. Thinking about them can be defeating enough. I'd rather spend a few minutes assembling quotations and offering a bit of context via related comments than take the whole morning to immerse myself in the philosophies of Herman Cain. Attempting to understand why art and cultural artifacts enrich my life seems a much healthier and beneficial way to keep the synapses firing as a stay-at-home father.
So, watch this space, I guess, although don't watch it too hard. And know that over on tumblr, Cerebral Decanting pushes on.
3 weeks ago
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